let's TOUCH some algebra

We can use our set of Algebra Tiles to illustrate adding polynomials.

Click HERE if you need to print and cut out a set of your own Algebra Tiles.

Let us show you each tile and what it stands for:

positive 1 This tile is the positive one tile.

negative one This is your negative one tile.

positive 1 negative one If you place the two tiles beside each other, you create a ZERO.

positive one x This tile stands for a single x. It is one unit wide and an unknown or "x" number of units long. *NOTE: an even number of "one unit" () tiles will NOT fit on this tile. It is supposed to be a "mystery" size.

negative one x This represents the opposite of x, or negative one x.

positive one xnegative one x Placing these two together also creates a ZERO. x + (-x) = 0

positive one x squared Here we have the positive one x squared tile. It measures "x" on both its length and width (both are "mystery" lengths i.e. not multiples of the one unit square). Therefore its area is x^2.

negative one x squared And here we have the opposite of the x square tile, or negative one x squared.

positive one x squarednegative one x squared As above, when placed together these tiles create a big, fat, ZERO. x^2 + -x^2 = 0.

Now let's start making some polynomials with our tiles, and we will add them as we go.

To create the binomial 3x^2 + (-2x).....more commonly written as 3x^2-2x, lay these tiles out on our desk.

positive one x squaredpositive one x squaredpositive one x squared negative one xnegative one x

Now let's add to this the trinomial -5x^2 + 3x +(-2).

negative one x squarednegative one x squarednegative one x squarednegative one x squarednegative one x squared positive one xpositive one xpositive one x negative onenegative one

Now make all the ZERO'S that you can and pull them off your desk. The tiles that remain will be the answer to the addition problem.


negative one x squarednegative one x squared positive one x negative onenegative one the answer is -2x^2 + x + (-2)

Practice a few with your own tiles. Click the answer links to see if you are correct.

  • (-2x^2 + 7) + (8x^2 - 9) = ? answer

  • 3x + x^2 + (-7) plus
    -6x + 7x^2 + 9 = ? answer

  • (-9 + 3x - x^2) + (-4x^2 - 3x - 4) = ? answer

Have fun TOUCHING your Algebra!

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