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FREE JOKE: (cut and paste as you like)


Marvin and his wife were on holiday in Madrid Spain. They had just seen their first bullfight and were looking for a good restaurant for dinner.

The tour guide recommended a restaurant directly beside the bullfighting arena. So that is where Marvin and his wife went.

While waiting to order, Marvin was looking intently around the room to see what everyone else was having. For he believed that when you are in Spain, you should eat like a SPANIARD!

He noticed the waiter bring out a plate to the table beside his. When the waiter did this the whole room applauded, and the man being served behaved as though he were a king being served the best delicacy in the land.

On the plate was an elegant flower garnish and two large gray spherical shaped objects. Marvin secretly wondered if they might be ostrich eggs.

Well now Marvin just had to know what was being served. So he called over the waiter and asked, "What is that man having over there?"

"Our specialty of the house sir." the waiter replied.

"I will have that then." said Marvin.

"I am sorry sir, but you can't." said the waiter.

"Well why NOT?" said Marvin, indignant.

"You see sir, you need to reserve this a week ahead of time. The specialty this week is bull's testicles." said the waiter.

"Well okay, I am reserving for next week. I want to try this before me and my wife go back home." insisted Marvin.


The following week Marvin was salivating with excitement for he knew that this week HE would be the man who would be king in the restaurant! Yes, the room would applaud for HIM as HE was served the "specialty of the house."

Marvin could hardly maintain his composure as he anticipated the server laying the plate before him. Suddenly there came a dark hush over the entire room. He heard a few people exclaim, "Oh my!"

Then the moment arrived,...the plate was laid before Marvin. On it was a decorative floral garnish and two small gray spherical objects.

Marvin said to the waiter,"What is this? These are not like the ones last week."

At this point, the waiter looked at Marvin and said, "Senor, you must remember, in any bullfight, sometimes the matador wins and




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