If you would like to earn up to Five Bonus Points, you may bring in any of the items listed below for our materials bank.

A small container of small pebbles to be used for driveways and as siding
A small container of crushed rock or sand to be used for the beach on the lakefront mansions.
Small pieces of wood which could be used for decoration or furniture or mailboxes or signs etc.
Very thin pieces of shaved wood which could be cut into shingles or siding
A hot glue gun and some tubes of glue to be borrowed and returned, be sure your name is on it
Play dough or modeling clay to make small figures and to secure landscaping materials
Small twigs or natural items which could be used as realistic landscaping material
Foil to be used to simulate windows
Acetate, clear or colored, for windows
Dowel rods of any size can be used for columns and decorative touches.
Tempera, watercolor, or acrylic paint (this can be donated or returned when the project is over, just put your name on it if you want it back)
Material or felt to simulate grass
Sandpaper can be used to simulate cement surfaces
Paint brushes (these can be returned if you put your name on each)
Architecture magazines/ home plans magazines/ real estate magazines
Sponges cut into 1 in by 1 in pieces for dipping in paint and creating rough texture on the buildings
Silver and gold paint pens for signs on the buildings (these can be returned)
Shoe boxes for us to store these materials
Wrapping paper with designs that could be used for siding or landscaping decoration.
Color texture scenes printed off the Internet or computer clip art that could be used for decorative purposes (be sure they are small enough to make sense in our scale of 1 in = 10 feet
Rubber Cement
Colored mat board pieces for making furniture, mailboxes, decorative gingerbread etc.
Anything you may have around the house that could be used for decoration of a small building or for small landscaping.

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