This is how I was created.
They started with a single black sock that did not have a mate.
They then filled the toe part of this sock with small dried beans, and wrapped a rubber band around really tight.
Then the sock was turned inside out and another rubber band was applied. This made my skin extra strong.

Then they began to wrap my hair wing.

When they changed colors, they just knotted the new color onto the string and then wrapped the knot underneath the new color.

Doesn't my wrapped hair wing look cool.

They left a bit of the sock unwrapped to use for my sexy lips.

See, here are my sexy lips.

They folded the sock over and let the ribbing show. Then sewed the back together so my lips would not come apart.

Next the most important part was added, my tongue sail.

Notice the huge size in relation to my body.

Finally my eyes were sewn on using two lovely buttons, and my tongue was tattooed with my family crest.

My master grabs me by my hair wing and throws me through the air.

I use my tongue to sail me to the target.

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