Here is how I was made.

Take a simple ankle sock, preferably one without a mate. Fill it 1/3 full with small dried beans or rice, then secure the beans tightly with a rubber band.

Then turn the sock inside out and wrap another rubber band tightly to create a strong "second skin".

Just the tip top of the sock will be left at the top. This will be turned down to make a hat.

Cut a circle of felt with a circle in the center.

This will be wrapped underneath the hat and secured with needle and thread.

Here is what it looks like when it is sewn to the sock.
Now some sharp scissors cut strips up to the hat to create hair.
Here the hot glue gun, made a big puddle of hot glue, and the feather went into the puddle.

Next came the mouth. This was a black piece of felt with three white felt teeth glued on.

The mouth was hot glued onto the sock.

Finally, my eyes were hot glued on.

Here I am ready to go to battle and WIN!


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