Here's how I came to life.
Step 1:
My master raided the closet and gathered as much craft junk as possible: small dried beans (to stuff me with so I will fly far), scissors, felt, white glue, hot glue gun, pipecleaners, feathers, beads, sequins, yarn, thread, needles, scrap material, buttons, and of course old socks without mates.

Step 2:

I was selected from the bag of lonely socks. (I'm the one on the right)

Step 3:

Next I was partially filled with the small dried beans. My master says that rice would work too. My master also said not to make me too big, so I was only about 1/4 of the way filled.

Step 4:

Then the first of those ghastly tight rubber bands was applied. My master said to suck up the pain, that the band needed to be tight or the beans might fall out when I smacked the hard ground.

Step 5:

Then the rest of the sock was folded over the banded part to act as a "second skin" and make me STRONG.

Step 6:

See, my neck looks like a navel orange, but I am strong enough for battle, ALMOST.

Step 7:

To secure my second skin, another tight rubber band was applied.

My master folded the rest of my sock into my hair and created my bangs.

Step 8:

Next, my official warrior hair wrap was applied. I asked for black.

Step 9:

Then my hair was cut into the aerodynamically sound bangs that you see here.

They really help me navigate when I'm flying through the air.

Step 10:

Master said my eyes would be important, so once again, black was chosen and applied with a hot glue gun for added strength.

Step 11:

Master said, I needed to look lively to instill fear in my enemies. So moveable eyes were applied with a hot glue gun.

Step 12:

Finally, so I can SCREAM at my targets, master added my mouth using red and brown felt and the hot glue gun.

As you can see, I am quite a formidable SOCKDARTWARRIOR.

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