These facts are essential for any math success.  We recommend 100% mastery of this sheet in 2 minutes.   Print out several, and time yourself with a kitchen timer.
0x1 0x8 4x0 9x0 0x7 6x0 2x0 0x0 3x0
1x1 2x1 1x7 2x3 1x9 1x3 2x6 2x7 1x4
2x2 1x8 2x4 1x2 2x5 2x9 2x8 1x5 1x6
3x3 4x3 4x5 3x7 5x3 5x5 5x7 4x6 5x4
3x8 3x1 4x4 5x1 4x9 3x9 3x4 4x7 3x5
5x9 5x8 3x6 3x2 4x8 5x6 4x1 4x2 5x2
6x1 9x3 6x8 8x1 8x8 7x3 8x7 8x3 6x6
7x1 9x4 8x9 6x2 7x6 9x7 7x2 9x8 7x4
9x2 6x7 9x1 7x5 9x6 6x3 8x6 8x4 7x9
6x9 7x7 9x5 6x4 7x8 8x2 9x9 6x5 8x5


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