Construct a Rectangular Prism and Analyze its Surface Area and Volume

To begin our study of three dimensional shapes, known as polyhedra, we will construct the easiest of them all....the all famous RECTANGULAR PRISM, otherwise known as the "box".

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Draw a net for a rectangular prism, including dimensions and glue flaps. Be sure to name each of the six faces: front, back, top, bottom, left side, and right side on your net.

  2. Cut out your net. Dry fold, (fold it but don't glue the flaps), to be sure that it works.

  3. On the front of a piece of notebook paper, explain in words how to find the surface area for your net, and then show the mathematics.

  4. On the back of the notebook paper explain how to find the volume for your rectangular prism and then show the mathematics.

  5. DON'T use the same dimensions as the example.

Click here to see our example.


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