Construct a net for a ROOF GABLE

a gable is a very common roof addition in some areas

Gables are common additions to roofs in many areas of the world. A gable opens up space in the top floor of a house with a peaked roof.

From a geometric standpoint, the gable above is basically a combination of three polyhedrons: two triangular prisms, and an oblique pyramid as seen below.

window portion is a triangular prism top is also a triangular prism
oblique pyramid connects to roof
The oblique pyramid connects the gable to the roof.
front face pentagon
Notice the front face is a pentagon.
  1. Draw a net for a roof gable using the dimensions on the front and left side elevations below.

  2. Be sure all of the dimensions are written on each face, and your glue flaps are drawn on.

  3. Then cut out your net and do a tape fold to see if it works. If it doesn't fold properly, look over the dimensions, find where your mistake is, and redraw.
    tape fold this one transparent tape will let you fold quickly

  4. If you need help look at our EXAMPLE here.


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