Geometry Legal Reasons

GEOMETRY Legal Reasons
Level 1
Lines, Segments, Rays, Distance
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Point-Line-Plane Postulate

  1. Unique Line Assumption: through any two points there is exactly one line.
  2. Number Line Assumption: Every line is a set of points that can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the real numbers, with any point on it corresponding to 0 and any other point corresponding to 1.
  3. Dimension Assumption:
    1.) Given a line in a plane, there is at least one point in the plane that is not on the line.
    2.) Given a plane in space, there is at least one point in space that is not in the plane.


Line Intersection Theorem

Two different lines intersect in at most one point.


Definition of Parallel Lines

Two coplanar lines s and t are parallel lines, written s//t, if and only if they have no points in common or they are identical. 


Definition of Betweenness

A number is between two others, if it is greater than one of them and less than the other is.

A point is between two other points if it is on the same line and its coordinate is between their coordinates.


Definition of Segment

The segment (or line segment) with endpoints A and B, denoted is the set consisting of the distinct points A and B and all points between A and B.


Definition of Ray

The ray with endpoint A and containing a second point B, denoted by , consists of the points on and all points for which B is between each of them and A.


Definition of opposite rays

and are opposite rays if and only if A is between B and C.


The Distance Postulate

  1. Uniqueness Property: On a line, there is a unique distance between two points.
  2. Distance Formula: If two points on a line have coordinates x and y, the distance between them is
    |x - y|.
  3. Additive Property: If B is on , then
    AB + BC = AC

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