Here are our Standardized Math Vocabulary words for grades 7 & 8.

Print them out, cut, fold and quiz yourself.

acute angle An angle whose measure is between 0° and 90º. We like to think of them as the "cute" skinny angles.
adjacent angles Two nonstraight and nonzero angles with a common side interior to the angle formed by the noncommon sides.
alternate exterior angles

Angles formed by two lines and a transversal whose interiors are not between the two lines and are on different sides of the transversal.

Angles one and seven are alternate exterior angles as are angles two and eight.

When the two lines cut by the transversal are parallel, the alternate exterior angles will be congruent.

alternate interior angles 

Angles formed by two lines cut by a transversal. They are between the two lines and on alternate sides of the transversal.

Angles three and five are alternate interior angles as are angles four and six.

When the two lines cut by the transversal are parallel, the alternate interior angles will be congruent.

box-and-whisker plot

A graphic method for showing a summary of data using median, quartiles and extremes of data.


complementary angles

Two angles the sum of whose measures is 90.


compound event

An event made up of two or more simple events.

coordinate plane
Name given to the plane containing points identified as ordered pairs,
(x, y), of real numbers.
The first number in an ordered pair, called the x-coordiante, idicates the distance that the point is located along the horizontal axis, The second number, called the y-coordinate, indicates the distance that the point is located along the vertical axis. The point with coordinates (0,0) is at the center where the axes cross and is called the ORIGIN.
corresponding angles (1)

Any pair of angles in similar locations in relation to a transversal intersecting two lines.

In this example we see four sets of corresponding angles.
1&5, 2&6, 3&7, 4&8

If the lines cut by the transversal are parallel, all correspondig angles will be congruent.

corresponding angles (2)

Angles in the same relative position in similar or congruent figures.


equilateral triangle

A triangle in which all of the sides have the same length.


experimental probability

A statement of probability based on the results of a series of trials.


independent events

Two events in which the outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of the other event.


isosceles triangle

A triangle with two sides equal in length.

linear function

An equation whose graph in a coordinate plane is a straight line.

mutually exclusive events

Two events that cannot occur at the same time.



A two-dimensional figure that can be folded on its segments or curved on its boundaries into a three-dimensional surface.

obtuse triangle
A triangle with an obtuse angle.
order of operations

Rules for evaluating an expression: work first within parentheses, then calculate all exponents, then do multiplication and division together as they appear in the problem from left to right; then do addition and subtraction as they appear from left to right.

NOTE: Many math teachers teach the saying,
"Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" or PEMDAS. Each capital letter stands for an operation.
P~parentheses or all grouping symbols
M&D~ multiplication and division from left to right
A&S~ addition and subtraction from left to right

perfect square

The product of an integer multiplied by itself (e.g., 121 is a perfect square because 11x11=121).



Possible orders, or arrangements of a set of items. Placing these items in a different order results in a new permutation.



A three-dimensional solid that has two congruent and parallel faces that are polygons. The remaining faces are rectangles. Prisms are named by their bases.


A statement that two fractions (ratios) are equal.

NOTE: In a proportion the product of the numbers on the diagonals will be equal.

Some folks say the "cross products" are equal and some say the product of the "means" equals the product of the "extremes".

Pythagorean theorem
In a right triangle with legs a and b, and hypotenuse.
scalene triangle

A triangle with no congruent sides.


scatter plot

A graph with points plotted to show a relationship between two variables.


supplementary angles

Two angles whose measures, when added together, equal 180 degrees.


surface area

The sum of the areas of all of the faces of a three-dimensional figure.

scientific notation for large numbers

scientific notation for small numbers

A way of writing a large number in terms of a positive integer power of 10 multiplied by a number greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10.


A way of writing a small number in terms of a negative integer power of 10 multiplied by a number greater than or equal to one and less than 10.


stem and leaf plot

A data display that shows groups of data arranged by place value.

2 3 4
0 3 3 3 6
7 8 8 9
EX: 9|7 = 97
theoretical probability

A statement of the probability of an event without doing a experiment or analyzing data.

P(event) = (number of favorable outcomes) / (number of possible outcomes)


vertical angles
Two nonstraight and nonzero angles formed by two intersecting lines, but which are not a linear pair. Vertical angles will always be congruent.