Solve me for a different letter please. Let's do the "Algebra Rearrange Funk Dance."

Often it is convenient to rearrange a given polynomial formula. All it takes is a bit of algebra "know-how".

For example:
Remember that the area of a rectangle equals length times width (A = LW).

However, maybe you are in a situation where you know the area and the width, but you need to find the length. Like when you buy a can of floor paint, and it says it will cover 250 square feet of floor. If you know the floor is 10 feet wide, how long a room can you cover with one can?

Well, if A = LW, and we want to find the LENGTH, we just divide both sides of the formula by W.

Area divided by width equals length.

Now you try some:

  1. Rearrange the distance formula, distance equals rate times time, (D = RT), so that it will find the time, "T".
    Click HERE to see if you are correct.
  2. Rearrange Einstein's Theory of Relativity formula: E = mc^2, to solve for the mass "m".
    Click HERE to check your answer.
  3. Now for the ultimate challenge, rearrange the Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature formula,

    Click HERE to see if you are right.


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Did you get this?

It doesn't matter if the T is on the left or the right.
Remember, it doesn't matter if the T is on the left side or the right side of the formula.














Answer 2:
















Here it is:



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