....... add with tiles and SEE your answers. First, be sure to click HERE and get your own set of print and cut ALGEBRA TILES.

To add integers using Algebra Tiles make sure you have the small one unit squares cut out. It is a good idea to have 2 sets cut out or 54 squares.

Remember, the colored side is the POSITIVE quantity and the blank, back side represents the NEGATIVE quantity.


The magic element that makes these tiles work is the making of "ZEROS."

To make a "zero" all you have to do is lay a positive unit square beside a negative unit square. The two together like that nullify each other and create a "zero."


= 0

The idea here is to combine the tiles to create zeros until it is not possible to make any more. Whatever you are left with after making all possible zeros is the answer to your addition problem.

Let's try it by adding three positive tiles with five negative ones.

This is a visual representation of
3 + (-5)

Notice the three zeros in the center. Since zero stands for NOTHING, these can be removed without damaging the answer.

Thus we are left with two negative tiles after pulling out the zeros.


= -2

3 + (-5) = -2


Now play with this a bit using your own tiles. It absolutely always works.  

Click HERE to get a set of tiles.

Click here to play the integer chip game.

Have fun "touching" your math!

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