This game is really like mini-charades. It doesn't take much time and it's really fun. It will get your groups laughing and learning to work together in a matter of minutes.

Earn the most points by correctly guessing what is being acted out before the other teams guess correctly.


Four 1/4 sheets of paper with various actions written on them like: skiing, swimming, baking cookies, singling in the shower, etc..
*If your groups have more than four people in them you will need more actions because each group member needs to act at least once.

Give each group member a number from 1 to 4, or to 5 or 6, however many people are in the group. Just make sure they all have a number.

Then call a number and have those members with that number come to you see what is to be acted out. It's important that you keep the actions easy so that you wont frustrate the groups and so play will be quick.

Each member goes back to their group and they begin to act when you say, "GO." The actors may not say a word or make any sound. They can only use their body motions and facial expressions to convey information.

You must stand in the middle of the groups so you can hear which group guesses it first.

A tally of wins should be made on the board in public view to keep the competition going. If two groups yell the answer simultaneously, let them both have the point. Remember, this is just for fun. It is only an icebreaker. You can award candy or some small tokens to the winning team or teams.

You may stop after every person has had a chance to act at least once. If you sense more time is needed to smash the ice and establish group bonding then write some more actions and keep playing.



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