mean A number representing a set of other numbers determined by taking the sum of those numbers and dividing by the number of them. Also called average.

means    In the proportion a/b = c/d, the numbers b and c.

means-extremes property  In any proportion, the product of the means equals the product of the extremes.

meter  The basic unit of length in the metric system.

metric system of measurement A system of measurement based on the decimal system. Also called the international system of measurement.

mile ( mi ) A unit of length in the U.S. system of measurement equal to 5,280 feet.

milli-  A prefix meaning 1/1000.

million  A word name for 1,000,000.

millionth  A word name for 0.000001 or 10-6.

minuend The number a in a - b.

mirror A line over which a figure is reflected. Also called reflecting line.

mixed numeral A symbol consisting of a whole number with a fraction next to it denoting the sum of those numbers.

mixed number A number written as a mixed numeral.

Multiplication of Fractions Property For all numbers a, b, c, and d with b are not equal to 0 and d is not equal to 0: a/b times c/d = ac/bd.

Multiplication Property of Equation If x = y, then ax = ay.

Multiplication Property of -1 For any number x: -1 times x = -x.

Multiplication Property of Zero  For any number x: x times 0 = 0.

multiplicative Identify Property of One    For any number n: n times 1 = 1 times n = n.

multiplicative inverse The number by which a given number can be multiplied resulting in a product equal to 1. Also called reciprocal.

Mult-Rec Property of Division For any numbers a, and b, with b not equal to 0: a/b = a times 1/b. In words, dividing by b is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal of b.

natural number Any one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... . Also called positive integer. ( Some people include 0 as a natural number.)

negative integer    Any one of the numbers -1, -2, -3, ... .

negative number  A number which is the opposite of a positive number.

nested parentheses  Parentheses which areinside parentheses.

network A union of points (its vertices or nodes) and segments (its arcs) connecting them. Also called graph.

node An endpoint of an arc in a network.

n-gon A polygon with n sides.

nonagon  A nine-sided polygon.

number line  A line in which the points in order correspond to numbers in order.

numerator  a in the fraction a/b.    

numerical expression  A symbol for a number.


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