Contest Questions
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All answers will be WHOLE NUMBERS.
1. How many rods are in a furlong? a=


How many states in the USA begin with the letter M? b=
3. How many "blind mice" are there in the famous nursery rhyme? c=
4. How many states border Pennsylvania? d=
5. If a normal octopus got one leg cut off in an unfortunate accident, how may legs would she have left? e=
6. How many counties are in the state of Pennsylvania in the United States of America? f=
7. What is the atomic number of uranium? g=
8. What number is seven less than the number of years in a century? h=
9. What is ten squared, then doubled, plus one. i=
10. How many star points would 21 normal starfish have altogether? j=
11. What is the only even prime number? k=
12. How many items are in a gross? l=
13. In "Hickory Dickory Dock", at what hour did the mouse run down the clock, in the first verse? m=
14. How many bones are in an adult human skeleton? n=
15. How many keys are on a regular full size piano? o=
16. How many Fridays were in January 2003? p=
17. What is the total number of spots on a six-sided regular die? q=
18. What is the freezing point of water in degrees Celsius? r=
19. What is two times the number of letters in the English alphabet, plus two more? s=
20. What is the boiling point of water in degrees Fahrenheit? t=
21. What is the boiling point of water in degrees Celsius? u=
22. What is the freezing point of water in degrees Fahrenheit? v=
23. How many square feet are in a square yard? w=
24. How many meters are in a dekameter? x=
25. How old was Mickey Mouse on his birthday in 1988? y=
26. How many quarts are in a peck? Careful here, this is a WHOLE number less than 9. z=

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