Fractions to Decimals:

It's easy.......Just divide!

You can turn any fraction into a decimal if you remember that the
fraction bar is really a ......DIVISION SYMBOL!

For example:

1/2 really means 1 divided by 2  or .5

1/3 really means 1 divided by 3 or .333... (point 3 repeating)

Now you do the division on paper and fill in this chart:

1/2 = 3/8 = 4/10 =
1/3 = 5/8 = 5/10 =
2/3 = 7/8 = 6/10 =
1/4 = 1/10 = 7/10 =
3/4 = 2/10 = 8/10 =
1/8 = 3/10 = 9/10 =

These are some of the most commonly used fraction to decimal
equivalents.  You should know these by heart.

To help you memorize these  make a poster.
You can use a computer with a graphics program like
Windows "Paint" or you may use a large piece of paper
and draw your poster by hand. 
The actual act of creating
the poster will help you remember the facts.

First experiment with sketches of ideas
for your poster, until you find one you like best. 

Then use a computer or large paper to make
the posters.  We recommend displaying your poster.

Here are a couple of examples that we did using
Windows "Paint".

fraction decimal poster1.gif (10373 bytes)

This example is very formal, which may be to your liking.

The one below is very creative to tickle your humor bone.
Some people remember items better if they are in a humorous

fraction to decimal milker.gif (15823 bytes)  

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