Everyone should read this one, it's GREAT! The following lesson comes from the wonderful minds of Marilyn Burns and Martha Hairston in their book MATH FOR SMARTY PANTS. This book gets our highest recommendation. It can change your entire outlook on the subject of math.


illustration by Martha Hairston

illustration by Martha Hairston

Create a palindrome out of the number 13. (one step)

Make one out of the number 19. (one step)

Now try 27 as the starting number. (one step)

How about 82? (2 steps)

Try starting with 57. (2 steps)

Start with 946. (4 steps)

Now buckle your boots and get ready!
You will need to work with a partner to do this one.
Your assignment is to find the palindrome that starts with 89.

*This will take 24 steps and will generate a 13 digit palindrome.

*The reason you work with a partner is to check each other's math
after each step.  Watch your addition carefully.  We made a mistake
and had to erase 12 steps!!!



Everyone should read this one, it's GREAT!


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