Addition and Subtraction Rehearsal

To survive in our world today a certain amount of
math memory is needed.

Adding and subtracting are what we call....SPEED MATH!

We want you to get AS FAST AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. basewingsCLR.gif (5691 bytes)

This takes practice.  Click HERE to print out our speed practice

  • Get someone to time you, or better yet, time yourself with a kitchen
    timer.  Your goal is to do
    one sheet in 2 minutes, WITH NO MISTAKES!
  • Give yourself 3 minutes or 4 to start, and keep practicing on new sheets until you can get one done with no mistakes in just 2 minutes!

To help you reach this goal follow the instructions below:

  1. Fold a piece of notebook paper into four vertical columns.
  2. After your first trial sheet, write down each fact you missed at the top of a column. (This may take more than one sheet of paper if you need to practice more than 8 facts)
  3. NOW...... underneath each fact, write the fact out correctly enough times to fill the column.  Say the fact out loud as you write it over and over and over.
    This repetition takes a bit of time, but it REALLY helps your brain to LOCK-ON to the facts better. 
    Your eyes will see the fact as you write it,
    and your ears will hear it as you say it. 
    The net result is that your brain gets super flooded with the
  4. *After each column, take a break and go do something else for a few minutes.
    Then see if you can remember the fact on your own without looking at your paper.

    (The reason for taking a break between facts is to keep your mind from mixing up the facts.)
  5. After all this writing, It is a good idea to make a flashcard for each fact you practiced and then mix them up and have someone "FLASH" the cards to you. (This will pick your speed up tremendously.)
  6. Once you have practiced all the facts you need to learn, then go back and time yourself again on a fresh sheet.  REMEMBER your goal is to finish a perfectly correct sheet in 2 minutes.

timed sheets